Horoscope Matching Report

The matching report is used to check the horoscope compatibility of two individuals for marriage. This is one go the most sought after report among all other types of report. That is because the life partner of the person gets to decide how the rest of the life will be. If its the right person, life will be a successful and joyous one, if it is not so then everything starts falling apart and everything in life becomes a burden. To put it in a short and sweet manner we could say that it can either make or break a person’s life.

Actual Price: Rs 1100/- $13

Discounted Price: 699/- only $8


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Personalized Reports

Are you wondering about the compatibility with your partner?

Are you thinking about the strength of the relationship?

Are you uncertain about your future together?

Are you unsure about kids and other things together with your partner?

Are you worried that some misfortune like sickness or divorce might befall on you and your partner?


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Hand Written and Manually Prepared by Astro Star Teller's Astrologer

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Actual Price: Rs 1100/- $13

Discounted Price: 699/- only $8


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To put an end to all these questions from your mind and help you in making the most important decision, the astrologers at astrostarteller have prepared the matchmaking report based on both the horoscopes. The predictions made in the matchmaking report are very accurate so you need not fear or have any seconds thoughts while using it to make a choice as every single detail is taken into account for matchmaking.

The matchmaking report includes the following details:

•Matching of both the horoscopes

•Six major points for matching

•Analysis of the effect of mars in both the horoscope

•The gun Milan table and the numbers of gun matching

•Prediction of compatibility, strength and other important factors

•Analysis of other matchmaking concerns

•Recommendations of Astrological remedies and solutions


If at all you have any doubts about your matchmaking report, our astrologers would help you with answers. The major factors that are analysed in the matchmaking report based on the horoscopes and the matching of gunas and the manglik dosha are as follows:

- Compatibility- this matches the behavior and the like minded between two individuals.

- Longevity where the strength of the relationship against all odds and challenges.

- Overall wellbeing between the couple should be good as in they do not face any problems in health both physical and mental

- Financial stability is very important as money is the root cause of all the problems. The match should ensure that there is never any shortage of money.

- Misfortune such as divorce and other problems should not be present as it affects the longevity of the couple.

- Building a family is very crucial for every couple. The presence of children makes a happy and fulfilled family, therefore there should be no problem with the child bearing or rearing areas.

- Another important factor to be included in the analysis is the effect of the planet Mars which adversely affects the matchmaking

With the personalised matchmaking report, find your life partner who is best suited for you and will aid in building a happy and prosperous family for many years to come.

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