Education Report

Education is the basic foundation of an individuals life. They form the basic blocks in shaping up the life and career of a person, therefore, it is very important to get the foundation right. We at Astrostarteller analyze your horoscope and provide you with a personalized education report. To obtain this report you have to provide some basic information such as the date, time and place of your birth.

Actual Price: Rs 4500/- $54

Discounted Price: 2000/- only $24


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Personalized Reports

Are you confused about the choices to make in your education?

Are you worried about the constant failure that you face in your education?

Are you wondering if the field of study that you have chosen is best suited for you?

Are you scared of your upcoming examinations and the score?

Are you unsure about the place of education and doubting to proceed or travel elsewhere or abroad?

Are you waiting for a scholarship to give you a necessary boost?

Are you wondering if you will achieve all the success in life in the current field of education?

Education is a such a huge field, it is impossible to master all of it. Therefore one must take care to choose a branch which is best suited for them and can help in making their life shine. The planetary positions of the individual play a huge role in deciding it. The personalized education report from astrostarteller will help you in narrowing down your choices among others.

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Hand Written and Manually Prepared by Astro Star Teller's Astrologer

Delivery on E-Mail (with in 72 hours)

Actual Price: Rs 4500/- $54

Discounted Price: 2000/- only $24


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The contents of the personalized education report based on the horoscope will include the following information:

•Personal Astrological information and natal horoscope of the individual

•Analysis of the dasha table

•The position of the planets and its effect on education

•Suggestions of yantra

•Evaluation of Dasha with respect to education

•Predicting the positive choices

•Warning about the failures and challenges which lie ahead

•Analysis of house and environment for education

•Astrological remedies that might be required to be performed

All our astrologers will help in clearing your queries regarding the personalized educational report. If there is any failure in your education, you could easily overcome it by performing the astrological remedies. They are inexpensive and cause very less hassle while at the same time very powerful enough to effectively overcome the problem.

The personalized education report will help you based on the planetary positions in choosing the field of study and assessing the strengths and weakness thereby making you shine better. This ensures that you do well by maintaining a high level of motivation as all the hard work seems to be paying off by getting the desired results. Also, this helps in saving a lot of time as we can avoid the courses that are not meant for the individual by predicting ahead of the negative choices. As these bad choices only lead to failure in spite of all the work put in.

With our report in hand, you can confidently make your choices and get the best results out of it as all the reports are analyzed carefully and accurately.

Enhance your education with the help of our personalized education report.

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