Since many people are not aware of their birth time, we at Askganesha help you in finding the accurate time of the birth by matching the significant events that had occurred in the individuals life such as the time of marriage, purchase of a property or vehicle, promotions in career, level of education, inheritance wealth, accidents or other important and life altering events if any. It is very important to get the right time of birth for accurate and reliable prediction of horoscope.
After getting the right birth time with the rectification technique, Vedic remedies and solutions if any are suggested.
Price: INR 5000 /- USD 60
Price: INR 2500 /- USD 30 - If time variation between 2 to 5 minutes
Price: INR 4500 /- USD 54 - If time variation between 2 to 10 minutes
Price: INR 6500 /- USD 78 - If time variation between 2 to 15 minutes
Price: INR 7500 /- USD 90 - If time variation between 2 to 20 minutes